TAIKOPROJECT’s third DVD primarily features footage from their Rhythmic Relations 2008 performance with the San Francisco Taiko Dojo at the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre. The performance was filmed by LA36 on July 13, 2008. This DVD features highlights from that program, including TAIKOPROJECT’s signature works “Here We Go Now!!” and “Expanding,” as well as SF Taiko Dojo’s classic “Tsunami.”
Also featured is the collaborative song between the two groups, “Hachidan Uchi/Many Sides,” where both groups showcase Sukeroku-style taiko, one of the most influential styles of taiko in the U.S. Highlights from other TAIKOPROJECT performances from the Japan America Theatre in Los Angeles, the Maui Taiko Festival in Hawaii, and the Festival de Chihuahua in Mexico are also included.
Running time: 2 hours.