When the Museum was just getting started the founders got together and painted an eye on a daruma before embarking on the process of building the Museum. In 1992 they were able to paint in the second eye as they opened the building at 369 East First St.
In homage to that daruma, we have created our own Museum daruma. Make a wish, start a project and paint in one eye with a marker (not included) or if you are crafty, you can embroider an eye! This is a soft, plush toy weighted with “beans” to help keep him upright as in the saying,” Fall seven times, get up eight times!” And don’t forget to give your daruma his second eye when you accomplish your goal!
Designed by Gary van der Steur and produced by North American Bear Co. 3-3/4″H. Surface wash with cold water and air dry. Not recommended for children under 3 years.