Barbed Wire and Hip-Hop by Project J, Justice uses rap and hip-hop rhythms with voices of internees describing their emotions and experiences of the Japanese American concentration camps. Featured artists are Miya Iwataki, Olmeca, Traci Kato-Kiriyama, Kyle “Burnt Krispy” Toyama. Testimony comes from Yuji Ichioka, Representative Barbara Marumoto,, Frank Chuman, Dr. Mary Oda, Mas Fukai, Katsumi Yagura, Harry Kawahara, Mary Kurihara and Jim Kawaminami. Major thank you to The National Coalition for Redress and Reparations (now Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress) and all the other groups and individuals who continue to help bring about change for the better. A special thank you to Miya Iwataki for her in-depth historical text included in the cd package. Spoken excerpts were taken from “Speak Out for Justice”, a videotape recording of the Hearings of The Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC), Los Angeles, California, co-produced by Visual Communications and NCRR. Project J, Justice was funded in part by a grant from The California Civil Liberties Public Education Program.
CD Barbed Wire & Hip-Hop
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